10,000 A.D.: The Legend Of The Black Pearl
10,000 A.D.: The Legend Of The Black Pearl
Far into the future after the world has brought about the apocalypse what remains of humanity has split into two warring tribes – the Plaebian and the Huron.
Purchase the DVD Here.
Far into the future after the world has brought about the apocalypse what remains of humanity has split into two warring tribes – the Plaebian and the Huron. Humankinds ambitions are not wealth or prosperity, but merely survival. The Huron tribe have reverted to the Hunter/Gatherer methods of our forefathers becoming great warriors with no regard to the future. Whereas the Plaebians are trying to rebuild society and tame the wilderness that surrounds mankind when a new, unforeseen evil starts to kill them both. This unspeakable evil — the Sinasu. Now both tribes must work together or finally face humanity’s extinction.
Runtime: 84 minutes
Format: 1:78 Anamorphic
Sound: Dolby Stereo
Rating: Pending
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
Language: English
Country: Costa Rica, Italy and USA
Directed by: Giovanni Messner and Raul Gasteazoro
Starring: Julian Perez, Loukas Papas, Raul Gasteazoro, Edgar Feliciano, Lilly Husbands and Nina Carney
• Official Selection — Tokyo Int’l Film Festival “Winds of Asia”
“Visually, ‘The Black Pearl’ is exceptional. Messner & Gasteazoro are no slouch in the cinematography department and it shows with some rather amazing landscapes, and wide shots that are utterly gorgeous. I was floored that this was generally a low budget film, considering the talent Messner & Gasteazoro display with beautiful action sequences, and their ability to make it seem so epic.”
• Felix Vasquez, Jr. — Film Threat
“Black Pearl 10,000 A.D. is a very unusual film, it features beautiful cinematography, a lilting new age music score and enough buff men to fill a muscle calendar. I found the martial arts and meditative qualities intriguing but the film’s strength is that it is a
visual feast! Filmed in some twelve national parks with canyons, waterfalls, ocean and natural landscape is quite awe Inspiring.”
• Synergy Magazine
“Most independent filmmakers lack balls. Oh sure, they think that by tackling their lingering interpersonal issues, traumas tripped by memories of failed potty training and the lack of parental love, they are being brave and brazenly honest. Nothing could be further from the truth, actually… So when a couple of crazy cinephiles decide to make their own outsider statement, one automatically expects a journey back through Oedipal/ Elektral memory lane, or worse, another sloppy scary movie. As luck would have it, 10,000 AD: Legend of the Black Pearl has substantially bigger and better celluloid carp to fry – and it does so in the dopiest, most delightful way possible. There are only three words that can accurately describe 10,000 AD: Legend of the Black Pearl: Oh… my… god! It is safe to say that never before in the history of independent genre cinema has so much artistic vision and eye-popping onscreen imagery been put on screen for such a small budget. Credit definitely goes to the directing team of Giovanni Messner and Raul Gasteazoro. Their sense of the epic is so skewed, so “different” that it’s undoubtedly entertaining.”
• Bill Gibron — PopMatters.com
“This movie was so far off my normal movie-watching path it wasn’t even funny. I didn’t want to watch it but was obligated to and guess what, I fully enjoyed this film. The action sequences were startling, the story well fleshed out and the locations – gorgeous. The story manages to pull together science fiction and mix it with modern day issues in a compelling manner.”
• Angry Princess — This is Some Scene
“… each scene jumps out at you. The colors are so vibrant it’s like you’re right there, it’s quite simply amazing to look at. This is a small epic that is better than most of what I
have seen Hollywood producing as of late. This is really a great achievement here. Black Pearl is a must see action-packed adventure that does everything right.”
• Patrick Ricketts — Video Views