Holy Hell
Holy Hell
Father Augustus Bane was a kind, gentle Priest…, until he witnessed the massacre of a family of his parishioners, the Bonners, at the hands of the MacFarlanes, a family of psychopathic gangsters.
Left for dead at the scene, Father Bane survives and suffers a crisis of faith. Emerging on the other side, Father Bane starts praying to a revolver he names “the Lord” and hunting down the MacFarlane clan.
Joined by the handi-capable and sexually frustrated daughter of the Bonner family, Bane and the Lord will free their town from sin and baptize the MacFarlanes in their own blood!
Purchase the DVD Here.
Runtime: 89 minutes
Format: Full frame
Sound: Dolby Sr. Sound
Genre: Action, Thriller
Language: English
Rating: R
Directed by: Ryan LaPlante
Cast: Ryan LaPlante, Alysa King, Michael Rawley, Luke LaPlante, Shane Patrick McClurg, Rachel Anne Little, Reece Presley
Nominated, Best Spoof Feature - Action on Film International Film Festival
Won, Best Comedy - Action on Film International Film Festival
Nominated, Best Costumes - Action on Film International Film Festival
Won, Best Art Direction - Action on Film International Film Festival
Nominated, Festival Award - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Foreign Feature - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Actress Feature - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Actor Feature - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Poster - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Horror Feature - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Won, Best International Feature - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Director Feature - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Won, The “Scarlet Waters” Genre Award - Austin Revolution Film Festival
Nominated, Best Director of a Feature Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Best Actress in a Feature Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Won, Goriest Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Best Line - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Best Actor in a Feature Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Scariest Killer - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Best Special Effects in a Feature Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Best Comedy Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Nominated, Best Feature Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Won, Best Original Score in a Feature Film - FANtastic Horror Film Festival, San Diego
Won, Best Grindhouse Film - Fantastically Horrifying Cinema Festival
Won, Best Actor - Fantastically Horrifying Cinema Festival
Nominated, Best Grindhouse/Exploitation Feature - GenreBlast Film Festival
Nominated, Funniest Feature Film - GenreBlast Film Festival
Nominated, Best Actor - GenreBlast Film Festival
Nominated, Best Supporting Actress - GenreBlast Film Festival
Nominated, Best Supporting Actor - GenreBlast Film Festival
Won, Best Horror Feature - Motor City Nightmares International Film Festival
Nominated, Best Director Feature - Nightmares Film Festival
Won, Best Actor Feature - Nightmares Film Festival
Nominated, Best Screenplay Feature - Nightmares Film Festival
Nominated, Best Midnight Feature - Nightmares Film Festival
Nominated, Best Actor - San Antonio Horrific Film Festival
Nominated, Best Actress - San Antonio Horrific Film Festival
2nd Place, Best Horror-Comedy Film - The International Horror Hotel
Won, Viewer’s Choice - The International Horror Hotel
Nominated, Best Action Feature - Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival
Won, Best Comedy Feature - Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival
Won, Best Feature Film Horror/Comedy - Indie Gathering International Film Festival
Videscope Magazine
“totally insane, hilarious, offensive grindhouse extravaganza!”
DVD & Blu-Ray Release Report
“Giddy, Grisly, Award-winning debut is a surefire cult hit!”
“hardcore gore”
“if you do have a taste for… psuedo-Dirty Harry one-liners, it may be right up your alley.”
Warped Perspective
“a film that is determined to offend as much as it possible can.”
“In short, it is glorious.”
“something special”
“a truly inspired piece of exploitation”
Beneath The Underground
“a pissed off priest, trannies with chainsaws, and more bullets than you can shake a 44 Magnum at.”
The Blood Shed
“highly entertaining“