A Lawyer Walks Into A Bar
A Lawyer Walks Into A Bar
Hilarious doc exploring the influence of the law and lawyers on American Culture.
Purchase the DVD here.
A hilarious doc exploring the influence of the law and lawyers on American Culture while following six characters as they do whatever it takes to become lawyers themselves. The film features legal luminaries, politicians, well known comedians, celebrity lawyers and other notables including actor and comedian Eddie Griffin, OJ attorney Robert Shapiro, CNN’s Nancy Grace, Court TV’s Catherine Crier, Novelist Scott Turow, Legal commentator Alan Dershowitz, U.S. Senator John Cornyn, Clinton Adviser
Vernon Jordan, renowned trial lawyers, Joe Jamail, Mark Lanier, Jacoby & Meyers, Comedy Central’s Michael Ian Black and ABC’s John Stossel among others!
Running Time: 92 minutes
Format: 1:85
Sound: Dolby SR
Rating: NR
Genre: Comedy, Documentary
Country: USA
Language: English
Website: www.AlawyerWalksintoaBar.com
Directed by: Eric Chaiken
Starring: Michael Ian Black, Nancy Grace, Eddie Griffin, John Stossel, Robert Shapiro, Alan Dershowitz, Senator John Cornyn, Vernon Jordan.
WinnerGrand Jury Prize – AFI Dallas Film Festival
Official Selection World Premier – SXSW Film Festival
Official Selection – Newport Beach Film Festival
Official Selection – Oxford Film Festival
Official Selection – EBS International Film Festival / Korea
Winner Best Film – Toofy Film Festival
Official Selection – Film Fest Kansas City
Official Selection – Two Rivers Film Festival
Official Selection – Mendocino Film Festival
Official Selection – Independent Film Festival Boston
Official Selection – Chicago Int’l Doc Film Festival
“Finally, the drama, the majesty the horror! of the bar exam will be brought to the big screen.”
• Nathan Koppel, Wall Street Journal
“At once a damnation and a defense of lawyers, Eric Chaikin’s film-fest favorite is a worthy successor to his Scrabble-fanatic doc Word Wars. Once more, with compassion and wit, he focuses on those for whom life is an endless pursuit of minutiae. He has a handful of law students commingling with TV talking heads (John Stossel, Nancy Grace), best sellers (Scott Turow), stand-ups and actors (Michael Ian Black, Eddie Griffin) and familiar faces (Alan Dershowitz, Robert Shapiro) to lay out a case for and against law school. It’s fascinating and not a little heartbreaking, this portrayal of people, some who want to help, others who wouldn’t mind just laying down a little hurt.”
• Robert Wilonsky, Village Voice
• Austin Chronicle
“Speaking of walking, Eric Chaikin’s A Lawyer Walks Into A Bar… sounds like the start of a joke, but it’s anything but. Of course, there’s natural suspense to whether all six will pass the test or not and Chaikin intersperses the film with testimonials from such notable names as Alan Dershowitz, Vernon Jordan, Scott Turow and Nancy Grace. However, Chaikin brings the humanity out of this half dozen wannabe sharks and ultimately, they’re the real stars of the film.”
• Premiere Magazine
“It’s a Rocky story with six Rockys…”
• Athima Chansanchai, Seattle Post Intelligencer
“There were laughs, cheers and rapturous applause at the end…”
• Dallas Morning News
“I wouldn’t have thought I’d come to care so much about the fates of six people I’ve never even met, but by the end of the film I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see who would pass and who would fail. A Lawyer Walks Into a Bar is a well-made doc exploring issues of lawyers and lawsuits through the stories of these people, and you don’t have to be a lawyer to appreciate their stories.”
• Kim Voyner, Cinematical
• Ebert & Roeper at the Movies
• Ft. Worth Star Telegram
“If you don’t have a lawyer in the family… you’re probably not looking hard enough. Chaikin intersperses these preparations with interviews with numerous big-name lawyers, from Vernon Jordan and Scott Turow to Alan Dershowitz and Robert Shapiro. All offer interesting perspective or insight on the career… a guilty pleasure.”
• Christopher Null, FilmCritic.com