Bare Naked Survivor aka "Survivors Exposed"
Bare Naked Survivor aka "Survivors Exposed"
Sun, suds, a magical island and beautiful women – perfect!
A parody of the famous show that includes a group of six former Penthouse Pets and Playmates romping in the sun and surf! A parody of Survivor with inside jokes for fans of the show plus plenty of hilarious teenage humor for everyone else. Starring Shauna O’Brien, Alexus Winston and Internet superstar – Aria Giovanni.
Watch it on demand!
Sun, suds, a magical island and beautiful women – perfect!
A parody of the famous show that includes a group of six former Penthouse Pets and Playmates romping in the sun and surf! A parody of Survivor with inside jokes for fans of the show plus plenty of hilarious teenage humor for everyone else. Starring Shauna O’Brien, Alexus Winston and Internet superstar – Aria Giovanni.
Runtime: 98 minutes
Format: 1:85
Sound: Ultra Stereo
Rating: NR & “R” rated version.
Genre: Comedy, Sexy
Language: English
Country: USA
Directed by: Doug Hoffman
Starring: Aria Giovanni, Alexus Winston, Shauna O’Brien, Aimee Sweet, Julie K. Smith, Tess Broussard and Lenny Juliano
Tits Ahoy! A Joyfully silly exercise in tropical survival of the sneakiest. The film is a cult classic for Gen Y & X guys and offers some genuinely funny send-ups of Survivor.
• Phil Hall, Film Threat
“Bare Naked Survivor is corny yet funny with five gorgeous models walking topless on a beach. Who am I kidding? This is creative fun, with the general framework of Survivor and a superfluous dosage of nudity for the crazed male audience…hell, I’m not complaining.
• Thomas Chau, Cinema Confidential