Gory Gory Hallelujah
Gory Gory Hallelujah
Four actors (a Black revolutionary, a bisexual hippie, a neurotic Jewish guy and a woman with sexual issues) audition for the role of Jesus. When they are all rejected, they hit the road on motorcycles to find on-stage glory in New York City..
Inspired by the classic cult films, Seattle-based Corcoran and company have crafted a delightful B-movie musical biblical epic horror comedy. Obviously destined for cult status, Gory Gory Hallelujah will offend the humor-impaired—but everyone else will have a very good time. Four actors (a Black revolutionary, a bisexual hippie, a neurotic Jewish guy and a woman with sexual issues) audition for the role of Jesus. When they are all rejected, they hit the road on motorcycles to find on-stage glory in New York City. A fateful roadhouse run-in with a gang of Elvises strands the unlikely quartet in the town of Jackville. But the locals don’t take kindly to blasphemers, alternative lifestyle choices, people of color—or anything else for that matter. Will our would-be saviors fall prey to evil small-town conspirators, flesh-eating zombies, or save the world from the Apocalypse?
Runtime: 100 min.
Format: 1:85 Flat
Sound: Ultra Stereo
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy, Musical
Language: English
Country: USA
Website: http://www.gorygory.com
Directed by: Sue Corcoran
Starring: Todd Licea, Jeff Gilbert, Tim Gouran, Angie Louise
Winner Best Fantasy Feature — Shocker Fest
Winner Best Debut — Seattle Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
Official Entry — Sarasota Film Festival
Official Entry — Detroit Int’l Horror Film Festival
Official Entry — Raindance Film Festival
Official Entry — Milwaukee Int’l Film Festival
Official Entry — San Francisco Independent Film Festival
Official Entry — Neuchatel Intl. Fantasy Film Festival
“Inspired by the classic cult films, Sue Corcoran has crafted a delightful B-movie musical biblical epic horror comedy! Destined for cult status, Gory Gory will offend the humor-impaired, but everyone else will have a very good time.”
Bruce Fletcher, Film Detail
“Just when you think you’ve seen the most outrageous, campy film of all time, along comes this mind-blowing epic! Not quite straight, but definitely queer!”
Portland Willamette Week
In our world full of pseudo-profound Arthouse films, this is extremely refreshing. Check out this psychedlic B-movie “Jesus Christ Superstar” meets ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’. Indeed fun.”
Ashley Cooper, Film Threat Magazine
“…camp comedy with a climactic production number in which concept and execution achieve inspired silliness… A big bag of Gay fun!”
Dennis Harvey, SF Bay Guardian
“A bawdy, surreal art-musical with zombies that also happens to be the most intelligent film about Christianity in ages. Makes my Top Ten list.”
Jonathan Lampley, Nashville Rage
“If you like ‘Evil Dead’ and read Howard Zinn, then this is the flick for you. Campy fun.”
Seattle Weekly
“A slick well thought out film that is still unabashedly camp and absurd.”
Portland Mercury
“Divine comedy…”
“quite a funny movie. The movie looks good and the directing was impressive…”
“…absolutely hilarious. It is campy, fun, and heck, even has a musical number…”
Jeff Chang, Haro Online
“…damn is it fun! A good film to enjoy with your friends on a Saturday night with a bucket of popcorn and a six pack to laugh your ass off…”
Pat Ricketts, Video Views
“This is one of the better Horror/Comedies I have seen in a long time. This is a great
party film, in fact, this should be a must have for anyone living in a college dorm!”
House of Horror.com