Ki-Kids: Chefs & Policias
Ki-Kids: Chefs & Policias
In this dvd kids learn how police keep everybody safe by making sure everyone follows the rules.
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In this dvd kids learn how police keep everybody safe by making sure everyone follows the rules. Police officers work as a team and treat the people they meet with respect. In this episode children learn to be courteous, follow rules and stay safe. Everyone knows that if you need something, ask a police officer!
Sample lesson: Sing along with us, “Follow the Rules.”
The Ki-Kids help two little kitchen utensils find their way to the kitchen of a well known chef. Once there they get to help the chef prepare a wonderful meal for a visiting king from a far away land! Children learn how a chef shows respect to their guests by paying attention and listening. They also learn the importance of food.
Runtime: 2 episodes (96 minutes)
Format: 4×3 Full Frame
Sound: Dolby SR
Rating: G
Genre: Family, Learning, Spanish
Country: USA/SPAIN
Created by: Roser Pujol-Gaja
Starring: Kio, Ana Casas Nogué-Debat, Kia, Yana Moriah Butler, Pekas, Laura Garcia Martos, Kukie, Mark Fernandez, Antoni Castellà Mortaja and Mr. K (Pau Derqui)
“In today’s times it’s never a bad thing to have entertainment for the kids around that is both fun to watch and educational at the same time. Ki-Kids is one such DVD and is a must for anyone that has little ones around the house. This group of English Spanish bilingual kids is sure to not only catch the hearts of your children but also their minds, teaching them another language they will have for the rest of their lives and making them better for it. The music is catchy and fun to listen to, the kids will be singing along to this time after time. As a parent myself I wish this was around when my girl was little, it is a great tool as well as a ton of fun for kids…heck I enjoyed it myself.”
Patrick Ricketts, Video Views
“An excellent teaching tool. It provides early stimulation and at the same time it fosters several cognitive skills, especially bilingualism which is important for today’s children.”
Denise Marmelstein, Children Specialist, Harvard University
“The latest in the popular educational, bilingual children’s series”