The Mallory Effect
The Mallory Effect
Charlie loves Mallory. In fact maybe he loves her too much..
Charlie(Steven Roy) loves Mallory (Josie Maran). In fact maybe he loves her too much. So when Mallory dumps Charlie on Valentine’s Day he thinks life can’t get worse. But then his best friend Nick (Sean Marble), a complete womanizer, takes him out to seduce women and Charlie sees Mallory with her new boyfriend Curtis. Getting dumped sucks, but getting replaced is worse. Charlie decides to take action. His plan: secretly befriend her new boyfriend and sabotage her relationship. Besides, her new boyfriend has a mustache. A mustache!
Runtime: 88 minutes
Format: 1:85
Sound: Dolby SR
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy
Language: English
Country: USA
Directed by: Dustin Guy
Starring: Steven Roy, Josie Maran, Sean Marble, Victoria Pratt, Clare Kramer and Scott Hanks.
Official Selection — Slamdance Film Festival
Official Selection — Oldenburg International Film Festival
Official Selection – Montreal Film Festival
Official Selection – Karlovy Vary Film Festival
“Clever, vulgar romantic comedy in the “There’s Something About Mary”
Scott Foundas • Variety
“This was one comedy that pulled no punches and brought up some really f*%#ed up situations. If you have a prudish sense of humor do not press play or you will spend the night with your cheeks beet red and your jaw dropped! If not be ready for all the fun you could possibly want to handle in one night. If not I will have to officially declare you humorless and roll my eyes while being annoyed!”
The Angry Princess • This Is Some
“…one of the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous women to ever walk the planet… So everyone who loves Super Bad and these over the top gross out comedies will probably love it”
Adam Tyner •
“Nasty little gem that mixes ‘In the Company of Men” with the goofy weirdness of ‘Napoleon Dynamite’… a dryly funny Clare Kramer.”
Chris Gore, Film Threat/G4 TV