Two Men Went to War
Two Men Went to War
It’s Benny Hill meets Gomer Pyle in this charming war time comedy!
Purchase the DVD Here.
It’s Benny Hill meets Gomer Pyle in this charming war time comedy!
The true story of two members of England’s Army Dental Corps, Sgt. Peter King, a World War I veteran looking to die fighting, and Private Leslie Cuthbertson, a wet-behind-the-ears trainee, whose dedication to helping the war effort during World War II inspired them to leave their posts and sneak into occupied territory in 1942 (long before D-Day). The two dentists find love, friendship and ultimately a German radar station in this good-hearted comic gem that shows that being a real heroes comes from the heart
Runtime: 109 minutes
Format: 1:85 (35mm)
Sound: Dolby SR
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy, Action
Language: English
Country: England
Directed by: John Henderson
Starring: Leo Bill, Kenneth Cranham, Rosanna Lavelle, Derek Jacobi, Phyllida Law, James Fleet & Julian Glover
Official Selection — Hollywood Film Festival
Official Selection — Edinburgh Film Festival
This unabashedly nostalgic film, mocks the absurdity of war, but between the chuckles…plucks the heartstrings…
Stephen Holden, NY Times
Extraordinary, remarkable story of the misadventures of Sgt. Peter King and Pvt. Leslie Cuthbertson.
London Daily Mail
…works wonderfully, one of the most beautiful releases of the year…
Kim Williamson, Box Office Magazine
Delightful! Excellent use of ‘oldies but goodies’ adds to the pleasure of watching and listening to this splendid film.
Reel Talk Movies
A gentle little comedy…vividly nostalgic. Well acted, designed and scored.
Dallas Morning News
Beautifully shot, well acted. Good show.
Sunday Express
…charming film, very funny. It’s beautifully shot with vivid colors that make it vibrantly alive…
John Shea, TNMC
Wonderful, Utterly funny.
Simon Rose, BBC
A particular delight with a couple of great visual gags…well worth an evening invasion of the art house.
M.E. Russell, Portland Oregonian
Impressive…refreshingly quiet alternative to the loud, dumbed-down studio films…
A charming little entertainment about two lovable, albeit misguided, patriots.
Film Journal
resolutely old- fashioned comedy… whimsical
SF Chronicle
…Drops a pinch of ‘Catch-22’ into it’s already rich stock of understated British absurdity…endearing.
Denver Post
It’s comedic fun all the way through in this amusing buddy film. Underdogs, unsung heroes, lunatics — call them what you will, they manage to accomplish what they dreamed of doing, for King and Country in a fun and humanistic way!
Andrew Johnston, North American Film Review